Surfrider Los Angeles Chapter
The Surfrider Foundation Los Angeles Chapter hosts public beach cleanups each month at various locations throughout LA County. Through their beach cleanup program they help volunteers understand the impacts of our throwaway society and a convenience culture built on single-use plastics. An estimated 10 million metric tons of plastic enters the ocean each year, the equivalent of one garbage truck load per minute. While we cannot clean ourselves out of the plastic pollution pandemic, their beach cleanups serve to raise awareness and inspire individuals to adopt upstream solutions to stop plastic waste at the source, primarily through everyday consumer choices and legislative advocacy.
Time: 9am - 11am PST
Address: Ink Well Beach, 2030 Ocean Ave, Santa Monica, CA 90405
Transportation Provided: Yes
Project Capacity: 65
Age Requirement: N/A
COVID-19: Masks are highly recommended for volunteers who are not vaccinated.