The Wall That Heals - Travelling Vietnam Memorial Wall Assembly

Single Day
Calendar icon
Wed, 03/22/23
Sun, 03/26/23
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2pm on 3/22/23 until 2pm on 3/26/23
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Fedde Middle School, 21409 Elaine Ave., Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
Register here!
Opportunity Description
Volunteers act as ambassadors for the community and provide a friendly face and ensure each The Wall That Heals visitor feels welcome.

Volunteers to greet visitors and assist them with visiting The Wall.

Overnight shifts - Veterans are excellent candidates for these special positions, as veterans or their families choose to visit The Wall late at night or early morning hours when less populated.
Setup volunteers to unload and assemble The Wall and mobile Education Center:
- (30/35 able-bodied volunteers are needed for 6 – 8 hours (Rain or shine - as long as it takes!). Lunch, snacks and drinks provided. Some volunteers will need to climb ladders, use a sledgehammer, or carry heavy panels.
- No equipment is required, VVMF supplies all tools needed and gloves. Hats and sunscreen recommended.
- VVMF Site Manager will coach volunteers through the assembly of The Wall.
Mike Laughlin
Phone Number:
(562) 714-5155
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Foundation