Green a School - Plant Native/Drought-Tolerant Plants on Earth Day!

Single Day
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Sat, 04/22/23
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9am - 12:30pm
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Pasadena High School
Register here!
Opportunity Description
You will plant native or drought-tolerant plants, remove weeds, build planter boxes or benches, and build/maintain hugelkutur berms. No experience necessary!

Your volunteer efforts will restore green spaces throughout the campus, benefitting students, pollinators, and the larger community. Pasadena High School serves over 1800 students, with 81% of students identifying as Hispanic, Black, AAPI, or Indigenous. Thanks to your work, students will grow into great environmental stewards for their community, while learning about the importance of biodiversity and food security systems.
Sarah-Jane Oska
Phone Number:
(213) 542-7528
L.A. Works