Children's Hunger Fund - Volunteering

Thu, 12/19/24
Wednesdays 9am-11am, Thursdays 9am-11am, Fridays 9am-11am, Saturdays 9-11am & 1pm-3pm
13931 Balboa Blvd. Sylmar, CA 91342
Opportunity Description
Children's Hunger Fund is a nonprofit serving in the U.S. and over 30 countries with a mission to deliver help and hope to children and families in poverty. At our Sylmar distribution center in Los Angeles, we do a variety of activities, including packing Food Paks, filling Meal Paks, sorting through donations, prepping containers for international shipment, etc. Our regular 2-hour volunteer sessions are open to all ages and great for individuals, families, and groups to serve. For those needing community service hours, we do provide signed forms. You are welcome to sign up and join us at CHF!