Arlington Garden

This is a photo of the front entrance to Arlington Gardens in Pasadena, CA.

Arlington Garden is a volunteer-built community habitat garden in Pasadena that features natives and other Mediterranean-climate plants. This garden is not only friendly to people and pets but also serves as a refuge for Pasadena’s native fauna. Birds, bees and butterflies are particularly abundant and can be seen throughout the year. Over the years, the mission of the garden has evolved to include promoting urban wildlife habitat and demonstrating the use of regenerative gardening techniques, which include refraining from the use of herbicides, pesticides, or chemical fertilizers.

For this project, we will split into groups and (i) clear invasive plant species from planting beds; (ii) rejuvenate a grassy native meadow area; and (iii) provide care for our small navel orange orchard through lasagna mulching. Arlington uses regenerative techniques and eschews pesticides, herbicides, and "chemical" fertilizers.

Time: 9am - 12pm

Address: 275 Arlington Drive Pasadena, CA 91105

Transportation Provided: Yes

Project Capacity: 50

Age Requirement: Any volunteer under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.